55 Below Bar with Ayana Lowe
Artists Against Extinction Benefit Concert at the Bitter EndĀ w/ Kennan Keating and a Stellar Line-up
Moon Kirtan Band Concerts at the Integral Yoga Center w/Andru Cann, Sumati Bates, Greg Cross, and Liz Taub
Glass Menagerie Concerts at St Paul the Apostle Church,Beth-El Synagogue in Jersey City and Jewish Heritage Center
JASA in the Bronx w/Steve Bloom
Actor’s Temple Synagogue(with Bronwen Mullin’s Beit Midrash)
Town and Village Synagogue(with Bronwen Mullin’s Beit Midrash)
Christmas Performances at Staten Island Ferry Terminal
Annual Interfaith Celebration at Interfaith Center
Hlemmur Square- Reykjavik,Iceland
Munchmores- Williamsburg,Brooklyn
Hell Kitchen Arts Festival- Tobacco Road
Lower East Side Music Festival-Theater for the New City
Make Music New York- Bard College Graduate Center